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Workshop |  Bringing the Tada Values to life for a future ‘ethical scan car’


Mike de Kreek, lead researcher, held a workshop at the Mozilla Festival on March 22 with interesting participants from, among others, the City of Rotterdam and the scan car company Arvoo. The workshop was called Bringing the Tada Values to life for a future ‘ethical scan car’.

  • Date

    March 22nd, 2023

  • Location

    Mozilla Festival

Mike used an evaluation method developed by Tapp, a smart city design cooperative in Amsterdam and partner of the Human Values research project. In this method values are visualized as a continuum on which a use case can be discussed in terms of contributing to or counteracting certain values. The discussion leads to a collaborative score between very low and very high on that value for that use case. Ultimately this leads to a spider diagram as an overall picture for all values concerning a use case, which functions as fuel for further debate.

During the Mozfest workshop Mike applied the method to two hypothetical use cases. The session and its materials can be found here and the lessons learned from this session will be incorporated in future descriptions of tools to evaluate smart city technologies from a value perspective.