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Scan bicycle co-design and prototyping

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In January 2024, the City of Amsterdam launched a co-design project involving a citizens’ panel consisting of 14 members. Alongside citizens, this panel included design researchers from TU Delft, AUAS, AMS, and Civic AI, as well as civil servants. Utilizing Design Thinking, a method often employed to address complex challenges, the project primarily focused on the development of a scanning bicycle capable of identifying heavy objects on bridges and canal walls — areas where a scan car may not be effective. Additionally, considerable attention was given to the responsible use of collected data.

Following a kickoff, we held two design sessions to explore the ethical aspects of the scan bicycle’s use by the municipality in the public realm. During these sessions, we used “value cards” created by Tessa Steenkamp, derived from policy and strategy documents such as the Agenda Digitale Stad.

In April 2024, we will dedicate a session to delve into the decision-making process within public administration regarding urban technology in public spaces. Furthermore, in April and May, we will host two demo sessions to showcase newly developed prototypes, which have been designed based on the key priorities identified in previous design sessions. Additionally, we will engage in broader discussions about sensing technology in public spaces and strategies for maintaining control over these advancements.

Exciting times ahead, as we navigate innovation in line with responsible urban development.